Skydive Spaceland Owners/Managers

Lisa Hornsby
Lisa Hornsby
Position: Owner, manager, office staff, slacker!
Jumps: 4500
License, Ratings, Accomplishments: AFF-I, SL-I, Pro, Videographer
Fun Fact: I would probably be working in a quiet office somewhere analyzing other people if it weren’t for my friend Carl introducing Rick and I to skydiving while I was in college.
Rick Hornsby
Rick Hornsby
Position: Owner, Safety and Training Advisor
Jumps: 10000
First Jump: 1995
License, Ratings, Accomplishments: Safety and Training Advisor, AFF Instructor, Tandem Instructor, Static Line Instructor, Pro, Tandem Instructor-Examiner, Videographer
Fun Fact: Some of the most memorable skydives I have ever done were with special-needs tandems.
Spacelander Since: 2013
Steve Boyd, Sr.
Steve Boyd, Sr.
Position: Owner
Jumps: 4500
First Jump: April 23, 1973, Chicago, IL
License, Ratings, Accomplishments: D-11383, Tandem-Instructor/Examiner, FAA Senior Rigger, Commercial & Instrument Multi Pilot with 10,000+ hrs.
Spacelander Since: The beginning (2000)
Mauricio Perez
Mauricio Perez
Position: Lead Manifestor
First Jump: March 2019
Spacelander Since: January 2019
Christy West
Christy West
Position: Marketing and Communications Manager
First Jump: January 11, 1997
License, Ratings, Accomplishments: D-21464, gold/silver/bronze medalist at USPA Nationals in 4-way advanced, 8-way intermediate, 10-way speed, 16-way
Nicholas Lott
Nicholas Lott
Position: Director of Video Marketing
Jumps: 6300
First Jump: April 2, 2006
License, Ratings, Accomplishments: D-29565
Skydiving: Favorite Part: My favourite part about skydiving is the inability to think about anything else while it's happening. My favourite part about working in skydiving is getting to be there with a new student in the moment that they go from being afraid to being amazed.
Spacelander Since: April 2012