Skydiver Training Tip: Paperwork is Homework

Are you ready to skydive? If you show up for a Skydiver Training Program jump without having completing your paperwork (dive flow quiz) for each jump you intend to make that day, the answer, sadly, is “not yet.”

Why is this quiz important? It tells us that you have studied your student manual and that you are mentally prepared for your skydive. This preparation also will get you in the air earlier than if you have to review the material and take your quizzes when you arrive. And there’s not a lot of fun to be had in studying and taking quizzes while everyone else is jumping!

When you complete the solo training class or finish jumping in a training day, make sure you have the dive flow sheets for the next several jumps so you can study at home, complete your quizzes, and be ready for your next training day. If you forget your sheets, you canย email us to request them.

We look forward to seeing you soon at Spaceland!